2023: Enhancing Lives Through Assistance
In 2023, we directly impacted individual lives by providing a hearing aid to a CPF House lady guard. Our "Bringing Sound to her World"...
2023: Enhancing Lives Through Assistance
International Day of Older Persons
Mji wa Huruma Kitchen Upgrade
2023: Growing Together for a Greener Tomorrow
2022: Responsible E-Waste Management for Sustainability
2021: Nurturing Waterways and Green Spaces
2022: Prioritizing Health and Safety
2021: Promoting Independence and Mobility for Visually Impaired Citizens
2022: Empowering Caregivers for Better Lives
2021: Empowering Through Education and Student Inclusion
2023: Kenya Society for the Blind Dinner
2022: Advocacy with Kenya National Chambers of Commerce
2021: Youth Financial Literacy Program
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